thank you so much for including my piece about boys and loneliness. I'm so appreciative. I write about this and many more boy-related topics in my new book, BOYMOM, Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity (it's a mix of memoir and reporting- I have three sons of my own.)


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It's at the top of my summer reading list! Thank you, Ruth, for giving voice to what so many of us have been feeling but have not quite been able to articulate. I have a boy and a girl, and I can attest that the experiences / expectations / receptions / characterizations they encounter in this world are wildly different.

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thank you so much- and yes this makes so much sense- we all get hung up on the nature vs nurture thing but the culture alone is just so different… truly appreciate this

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That’s amazing, congratulations on your new book! Your perspective on boys and loneliness is so important. Keep up the great work!

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